(310) 859-2432


When you visit Beverly Hills Dental Care your oral health, comfort and smile is our top priority.

We understand how apprehensive some people may feel about their dental visit and we try to make a difference by providing a warm and relaxing atmosphere and giving our patients our undivided attention. Our policies include never double booking your appointments and always valuing your time as our own.

Call Us: (310) 859-2432

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Sedation Dentistry

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Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is used to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience for those who feel frightened and nervous about visiting the dentist. It’s very common to be a little nervous about your dental visit, but for some people it becomes a real problem, known as dental phobia. Some patients often avoid, postpone, or even skip their dental appointments all together, which can over the years damage their oral and general health.

Beverly Hills Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist Dr. Michael Keselbrener and staff can help you overcome your dental anxiety and make your dental visit relaxing, comfortable, and even enjoyable.

At our Beverly Hills dental office we use the latest sedation dentistry techniques, including:

  • Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas”, which is famous for being very safe, non-toxic, and commonly used for providing a more relaxing dental experience due to it’s anesthetic and analgesic effects
  • Oral premedication, including sedative pills, which helps you feel more comfortable and at ease before and during the procedure
  • Sedation dentistry with an on-site anesthesiologist, also known as “sleep dentistry”, which is used for patients with severe dental phobia
  • Treating our patients with their favorite beverage, a warm blanket, the latest magazine to read, and a wide selection of music to enjoy while receiving their dental treatment
  • Plenty of hand holdings for everyone who feels nervous or apprehensive about their dental treatment

Sedation dentistry is commonly used for patients who have:

  • Anxiety and fear of dental procedures
  • Multiple or complex dental problems, requiring extensive treatment time
  • Difficulty staying numb
  • Severe gag reflex, which can interfere with some dental treatment procedures
  • Or for anyone who wants to make their dental experience more relaxing and enjoyable!